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EXPERT SPEAK ‘60 per cent of
the population makes a living by agriculture’
(18/2/09) HT Horizon
(HS Gaur of IARI on what makes a
career in agriculture crucial Studying agriculture
has its own advantages. The best one is that you are
entitled to a stipend of Rs 8,000 per month if you
are doing MSc – a rarity for any other course. For
PhD scholars, the amount increases to Rs 10,500. At
the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI),
there are 22 different disciplines to choose from.
After the course, one can opt for jobs in banking,
the corporate sector, research and teaching DR H S
GAUR dean of IARI)
Why is the study of agriculture yet
to catch on with youngsters, especially from the
metros? Youngsters are more inclined towards
glamorous and cushy jobs in the corporate sector.
There are also some myths attached to this sector.
You would be surprised to know that some researchers
innovating with newer technologies in the
laboratories of Delhi have not set their eyes upon a
farmer’s field? They don’t even need to. An
agricultural scientist is like a chemist who makes
medicines in labs but doesn’t need to work in
hospitals among patients. What about the career
prospects for those who study agricultural science?
IARI has a campus placement cell but students don’t
need it as they manage to grab jobs much before they
finish their course. Some join PSU banks while some
are hired by one of the 50 state agricultural
universities. A few also go abroad. After the Sixth
Pay Commission came into force, agricultural
scientists are drawing more than a decent salary.
Depending on the requirement, the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) hires around 300-400
scientists every year.
What options are available here for
a student? We don’t have any graduation course. At
the Master's level, we have 100 seats in 23
disciplines and around 135 seats at the doctorate
level in 22 disciplines. Forms will be available
from next month for the written test to be held in
June at five-six centres all over India. Any
measures to keep up with globalisation? Yes, of
course. We have partnered with a few foreign
universities including University of Saskatchewan in
Canada and University of Reading in UK. A few
students come from abroad to study here and vice
versa. What are your predictions where the future of
this sector is concerned, especially when vast
tracts of arable land are being lost to industrial
and retail development? When 60 per cent of our
population still makes a living by agriculture,
avenues seem to be bright. With the decreasing land
availability for agriculture, there is an urgent
need to increase productivity, which further
intensifies the demand for professionals and
experts. It is also evident from the past that only
agriculture professionals are the answer to the
ever-rising demand of food. Our population has
tripled in last 60 years and the production of wheat
has grown fivefold to 260 million tonnes, thanks to
agriculture experts and scientists.
Why is the study of agriculture yet
to catch on with youngsters, especially from the
metros? Youngsters are more inclined towards
glamorous and cushy jobs in the corporate sector.
There are also some myths attached to this sector.
You would be surprised to know that some re-
searchers innovating with newer technologies in the
laboratories of Delhi have not set their eyes upon a
farmer’s field? They don’t even need to. An
agricultural scientist is like a chemist who makes
medicines in labs but doesn’t need to work in
hospitals among patients. What about the career
prospects for those who study agricultural science?
IARI has a campus placement cell but students don’t
need it as they manage to grab jobs much before they
finish their course. Some join PSU banks while some
are hired by one of the 50 state agricultural
universities. A few also go abroad. After the Sixth
Pay Commission came into force, agricultural
scientists are drawing more than a decent salary.
Depending on the requirement, the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) hires around 300-400
scientists every year. What options is available
here for a student? We don’t have any graduation
course. At the Master's level, we have 100 seats in
23 disciplines and around 135 seats at the doctorate
level in 22 disciplines. Forms will be available
from next month for the written test to be held in
June at five-six centres all over India. Any
measures to keep up with globalisation? Yes, of
course. We have partnered with a few foreign
universities including University of Saskatchewan in
Canada and University of Reading in UK. A few stu-
dents come from abroad to study here and vice versa.
What are your predictions where the future of this
sector is concerned, especially when vast tracts of
arable land are being lost to industrial and retail
development? When 60 per cent of our population
still makes a living by agriculture, avenues seem to
be bright. With the decreasing land availability for
agriculture, there is an urgent need to increase
productivity which further intensifies the demand
for professionals and experts. It is also evident
from the past that only agriculture professionals
are the answer to the ever-rising demand of food.
Our population has tripled in last 60 years and the
production of wheat has grown fivefold to 260 mil-
lion tonnes, thanks to agriculture experts and
Tags: Agriculture, Career, Indian
Agricultural Research Institute, IARI, Indian
Council of Agricultural Research, ICAR, Abroad

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Ford India to add 1,000 staff in 2009
(21/2/09) ToI
Ford India, a 100% subsidiary of Ford Motor
Company, US said that it plans to add 1,000 more employees to
its India operations this year. The move is a part of the
company’s plan to attract best talents in the industry.
This will be in addition to the 6,000 staff
across various levels in the country. Ford India president and
MD Michael Boneham said that on the economic downturn, one has
to look for solutions based on corporate intelligence. This was
the right time to ‘grab those intellectuals. The company’s
proposal to introduce a small car by 2010 was ‘on track’ and
that it would be launched it as per schedule.
Tags: Employment, Job Trends, Ford Motor Company, 2009

What meltdown? Govt is hiring and paying
(17/2/09) HT
While most companies and businesses across the
country are cutting down on employees or freezing salaries amid
a worsening economic downturn, the Indian government is hiring,
and paying more.
According to numbers contained in the Interim
Budget unveiled on Monday, the government is estimated to add
about 92,000, or 3 per cent more, to its staff strength through
2008-09, even as its outgo on salaries and allowances in the
current fiscal year jumps 55 per cent from a year ago because of
pay revisions.
And this is despite Indian Railways, the
biggest employer, not hiring any new employees. In fact, without
railways, the percentage increase in central government staff
works out to 5 per cent.
No major company or business in the country
seems to have hired on this scale in the past year. That’s not
all; the government expects to add 42,800 new employees in the
coming fiscal year and spend 23 per cent more on account of
salaries and allowances.
The projections offer a limmer of hope for job
seekers as the hiring outlook for private sector remains rather
weak. On the contrary, private companies are increasingly
looking to cut staff in the face sluggish demand and falling
If demand picks up, the corporates will be able
to match up. But on the face of it, it looks challenging.
Within the government, departments of revenue
and audit & accounts led the hiring race, together adding nearly
30,000 new employees in 2008-09. Almost every major department
hired more, except the department of posts, which is estimated
to have cut its staff strength by 5,000 employees.
Tags: Employment, Job Trends, Govt Jobs, Salary Trends

Salary hikes to average 8.2%, highest in
Asia-Pacific: Survey
(20/2/09) ToI
Here’s some news that beats the gloom. Despite
the economic slowdown, 63% of Indian companies are still hiring,
reveals a survey conducted by HR consultancy firm Hewitt. That’s
not all. The survey says the average salary hike in India in
2009 will be 8.2% — the highest in the Asia-Pacific region.
Though the projected salary hike is
understandably lower than the increase of 13.3% seen in 2008,
it’s higher than the estimates for China, which is pegged at 8%.
By comparison, salaries are expected to rise by 3.2% in the US
and 2.3% in Japan, the report says. Hewitt said the survey was
conducted on 480 Indian companies over December 2008 and January
2009. The sectors expected to see the highest raises are the
ones that cater directly to consumers, such as FMCG, durables
and telecom, the survey said.
Less than 13% cos laying off in India
According to Hewitt, employees at the junior
manager, professional and supervisor levels are expected to
receive the highest increases for the ninth year in succession.
Hear of Hewitt’s performance and reward consulting practice in
India, Sandip Choudhary said that less than 13% of companies in
India were considering retrenchments while more than 60% are
still hiring.
Nine out of every 10 companies were still
giving promotions while only 0.83% of companies were resorting
to salary cuts, he added. In fact, with inflation well below
5.5%, an average increase of 8.2% in the salaries can be
considered healthy, the survey noted. As against this, 55% of
companies in the US, 30.6% in China, 32% in Australia, 20% in
Thailand and 17% in Japan were considering laying off their
employees to cut costs in the face of economic recession.
Choudhary that in India, most companies were
facing the downturn by cutting down on luxuries and
discretionary expenses like nonbillable travel and
entertainment, with greater focus on prudence and productivity.
‘‘The intent is to avoid layoffs to the extent possible by
limiting other spends,’’ he said.
Tags: Employment, Salary Trend, HR consultancy firm Hewitt, FMCG
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Finance: PSU bank staff to
get 20-25% hike
(21/2/09) HT
Public sector banks, which have
stood tall even as the global slowdown hit the
financial sector, are set to provide a 20-25 per
cent hike in pay packages to its 7.5 lakh employees.
All state-owned banks have managed
to significantly boost their businesses. Bankers
said that most banks have already made provision for
the increased outflow on account of increase in pay.
Depending on the size of the banks, the additional
outflow could be between Rs 200 crore and Rs 600
The trade unions have also demanded
that pension benefits be given to all employees.
The move could mean an additional
cost of Rs 6,000 crore for state-owned banks. The
managements and trade unions are yet to sort out how
the additional burden would be sourced and shared.
Banks are also set to embark on an
aggressive recruitment drive. With the
implementation of the new wage scheme, the new
recruits may also get pension benefits.
Tags: Finance, PSU banks, Salary
Trend, Pension Benefits

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IT firms rejig plan for campus
(16/2/09) ET
Software companies will
go in for justin-time hiring on campuses to ensure that
they do not needlessly increase their bench strength in
an environment where project pipelines are under
pressure. The strategy has received software lobby
Nasscom’s blessing and it has asked top colleges in the
country to postpone their placement season to the final
Till now, IT companies
hired engineering graduates a year before they passed
out, but now have decided to undertake recruitment only
when a batch is about to pass out of college. Nasscom,
after consulting all large recruiters, wrote to over 200
colleges in India last week, asking them to delay the
placement procedure from the sixth to eighth semester or
the final year.
Companies have to make
an estimate of their requirements almost 18-24 months
prior to their need. This worked well in past with some
degree of certainty of growth, but is increasingly
difficult during current economic environment. In many
cases, it has also led to joining dates of students
getting staggered and deferred.
IT executives said that
the decision to send this letter was unanimously
approved by all members of Nasscom’s executive council,
though they added that it is not mandatory for all IT
companies to follow this recruitment strategy. This
proposed policy will come into play from the next
When project flow is
slow, companies have to still honour the offers given
16-18 months earlier and increase their bench costs. The
move will ensure lower costs for companies and also
better hiring strategies. This change is good for all
stakeholders, including companies. It will ensure that
when hiring outlook changes, companies can offer jobs
Nasscom’s directive
comes on the back of requests for a delay in recruitment
process, not just from companies, but also from
colleges. In a recent study conducted in Tamil Nadu by
HR consulting firm Hewitt Associates and AMCHAM, a group
that represents US companies in India, a large number of
faculty members from engineering institutions wanted
campus placement to happen “only in the final semester”,
and not in the penultimate semester or pre-final year.
It is good for students
because they have an extra year to prepare themselves
for placements. This move, if implemented, will help
remove the element of uncertainty among students about
the timing for placement and also reduce the waiting
Tags: IT, Employment, Job Trends,
NASSCOM, Recruitment
Indian languages
‘endangered’: UNESCO
(21/2/09) Hindu
With 196 of its languages listed as
endangered, India, a nation with great linguistic
diversity, tops the UNESCO's list of countries
having maximum number of dialects on the verge of
extinction. India is closely followed by the US
which stands to lose 192 languages and Indonesia,
where 147 are in peril.
The facts were revealed in the
latest Atlas of World's Languages in Danger of
Disappearing unveiled by the UN's cultural agency
UNESCO on the eve of International Mother Language
The atlas classifies around 2,500
of the 6,000 languages spoken worldwide as
It further adds that nearly 200
languages have fewer than 10 speakers and 178 others
have between 10 and 50 speakers. It reveals that
over 200 languages used in the world have died out
over the last three generations, 538 are critically
endangered, 502 severely endangered, 632 definitely
endangered and 607 unsafe.
UNESCO Director-General Kochiro
Matsuura said that the death of a language leads to
the disappearance of many forms of intangible
cultural heritage, especially the invaluable
heritage of traditions and oral expressions of the
community that spoke it.
Tags: Languages, UNESCO,
Languages in Danger of Disappearing

Judges get hike with a
footnote on corruption
Law, Salary Hike, Judges,
Amendment Bill 2008
(20/2/09) ToI
MPs Concerned over Rot in
Judiciary, Pendency of Cases
The Lok Sabha gave its approval for
a three-fold salary hike to judges but not before
members expressed concern over the incidence of
corruption in the judiciary, rising pendency of
cases and long vacations that the courts continued
to take.
The high court and Supreme Court
Judges (salaries and conditions of service)
amendment Bill, 2008, proposes to increase the
salary of the Chief Justice of India from Rs 33,000
to Rs 1 lakh per month and that of other apex court
judges from Rs 30,000 to Rs 90,000 per month.
It seeks to increase the salary of
the Chief Justices of high courts from Rs 30,000 to
Rs 90,000 per month and that of HC judges from Rs
26,000 to Rs 80,000 per month.
Referring to cases of corruption,
Law Minister HR Bhardwaj said that here is public
disquiet and criticism over cases of corruption in
the judiciary.
However, he expressed his
helplessness in taking any action against judges who
were suspected of wrongdoing. He said that any
action could only be taken after amendments to the
Constitution. But this is an area where even angels
fear to tread. They are tinkering with the
judiciary; they have to be very careful. The
minister nevertheless added that corruption cases
were ‘‘vagaries’’ of recent origin. Earlier, during
the debate, several members voiced concern over,
what they claimed, the ‘‘increasing corruption’’ in
the judiciary and said some amendments in law,
especially with regard to appointment and removal of
judges, should be brought.
judiciary is not accountable to anybody. The only
process (of removal) is through impeachment which is
not practical. National Judicial Commission should
be set up.

Cannot lure students with
false ads: SC
(20/2/09) ToI
The Supreme Court has sounded a
chilling warning to educational institutions, which
despite being not affiliated lure students with
promising advertisements.
SC ruled that not only would the
students be entitled to refund of their fees, but
they would also be entitled to compensation. It also
ruled that such practices by institutes were
redressable under the consumer protection law. A
bench comprising Justices Dalveer Bhandari and H S
Bedi upheld a ruling by the National Consumer
Disputes Redressal Commission taking to task
Buddhist Mission Dental College and Hospital, which
misrepresented that it was affiliated to Magadh
University when it had none.
Tags: Law, Educational
Institutes, National Consumer Disputes Redressal

Judge says no to salary hike
(20/2/09) HT
A Bombay High Court judge has
turned a rebel and has refused to accept the
three-fold salary hike in protest against the
government’s decision to bypass Parliament to
implement the hike.
Of the total 535 judges in the
Supreme Court and high courts in the country,
Justice B.H. Marlapalle is the only exception. In a
letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee, he
has also revealed that he has been declaring his
assets for a decade now. He has been submitting his
family income and assets details to the chief
justices of his high court for last 10 years. His
daughter got married in December and he has
submitted the amount spent for the marriage.
Justice Marlapalle also
complimented Chatterjee’s bold stand of questioning
the government for waiting to get the judges’ salary
Bill passed in Parliament. In his reply to the
judge, Chatterjee said his decision to voluntarily
declare assets is an example for other judges, the
Speaker said that he hopes that his decision will
also be followed by other learned judges so that
there is no controversy concerning the learned
judges of the Supreme Court and high courts.
The exchange of letters became
public on a day when Lok Sabha passed a bill to
ratify the government ordinance to hike the
salaries. The judges are now getting raised salaries
effective from January 2006.
However, there is still no word on
whether the judges are willing to declare their
assets. Supreme Court has refused to accept the
Central Information Commission’s decision on the
matter and has challenged it in Delhi High Court.
The next date of hearing is February 27.
Tags: Law, Salary Trends, Central
Information Commission

Law firm’s recruitment plan
Tags: Law, Job
Trends, Recruitment, Intellectual Property.
(21/2/09) Hindu
One of India’s largest IP
(intellectual property) law firms, Lall Lahiri &
Salhotra would hire 30 employees this year.
recruited 18 lawyers last year, most of them lateral
hires from reputed law firms. This year, they plan
to bring in a mix of freshers and experienced
lawyers so as to maintain a balance between fresh
innovative ideas and proven methods. The move was
the latest in the growth strategy of the law firm,
which had seen a 180 per cent growth in the past 18

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IIMC to raise flagship course fee to Rs 9
(21/2/09) ET
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIMC)
is ready to raise the fees of its flagship postgraduate
programme in management to Rs 9 lakh from the 2009-10 academic
sessions. Students enrolling for the 2009-11 batch will now have
to fork out Rs 4 lakh in the first year and Rs 5 lakh in the
second year. The students in the 2008-10 batch who had paid Rs 3
lakh in their first year will have to shell out Rs 4 lakh in the
second. The decision was taken after the IIMC board of
governors’ meeting.
IIMC last effected a fee hike in the 2008-09
academic session when it hiked fees to Rs 3 lakh for the first
year from the earlier Rs 2 lakh a year. Though the institute had
then considered raising the fees for the two-year programme to
Rs 7 lakh, it subsequently reversed its proposal and waited for
the IIM review committee report before implementing the hike.
Incidentally, IIM Bangalore and IIM Ahmedabad currently charge
Rs 9 lakh and Rs 11 lakh for their respective PGP courses
The decision to raise the fees was taken in
view of rising costs and will be implemented from the coming
academic session. It was under consideration, which is why we
now took the decision. Before the meeting, IIMC board of
governors’ chairman Ajit Balakrishnan, also a key member on the
IIM Review Committee panel had met the faculty council to
discuss their views on the report. On February 18, that IIMC’s
faculty council had sent its comments to the MHRD, slamming the
IIM Review Committee Report.
Subsequently, the IIMC board will discuss and
sent the institute’s feedback to the MHRD. The ministry is
currently getting the feedback from all the IIMs before taking a
The institute has also enhanced the amount
allocated to need based scholarships from the present Rs 75 lakh
to Rs 1.5 crore. They can now offer more scholarships than the
72 they offered last year.
Tags: Management, IIMC, B-Schools, Fees Hike, IIM Review
Committee Report

Indian B-schools look at tough recruiting
(20/2/09) HT
Leading business schools in India might have to
deal with a difficult placement season, if the amendments for
stricter H-1B norms proposed by the US government are passed.
According to recommendations proposed by
Senators Chuck Grassley and Bernie Sanders, firms receiving
taxpayer money in the US bailout could face tough restrictions
if they decide to hire foreigners under the H-1B visa category
for highly-skilled workers.
Banking institutions such as Goldman Sachs
Group Inc, Merrill Lynch & Co, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Morgan
Stanley that have been amongst the top recruiters at
institutions like Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) in the
past are now on the bailout list.
The restrictions do mean it would get tougher
for Indians in general to get placed in the US. However, these
firms are all long-time recruitment partners of IIM-A and have
several alumni working in senior positions. With a reputation
built on intellectual calibre of our students, we do not see too
much difference in the pattern of recruitment from our campus by
these firms.
Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch had already
given out offers for summer placements during November last
year. The summer training starts in April and none of the offers
have been withdrawn yet.
The impact of the global slowdown and the US
move on visa curbs will be known only during the final
However, IIM-Kolkatta does not yet know whether
these financial firms will be recruiting during the final
placements at all considering the economic situation.
Last year, the financial sector placed a total
of 95 offers, the second highest after the consulting sector
which made the maximum offers at the Indian School of Business,
But things might be a bit different in a
post-Wall Street Crisis world. As it is, placements are
difficult this time, as the job market is bad all-around, not
just for ISB but for everyone. Already there is a lottery system
for H-1B visas and stricter norms will have impact.
Tags: Management, Abroad,
Job Trends, IIMs, H-1B visas
Entrance exam for PG
medical may be scrapped
(18/2/09) ToI
Medical students aspiring for
post-graduate courses may no longer have to appear for
an entrance examination. The department of medical
education and research has mooted a proposal that
students’ MBBS marks be considered for admitting them to
the master’s programme and the decision is likely to be
accepted by the Maharashtra government.
Medical Council of India regulations
say students can be admitted to post-graduate courses on
the basis of an entrance exam conducted by the Central
government or the state government or on the basis of
the MBBS aggregate if a particular state has one medical
university. Maharashtra has 10 government colleges and
three civic colleges in Mumbai. Admission to these
colleges is conducted after a post-graduate medical
entrance examination.
Medical Education Minister Rajesh Tope
said that the proposal was under consideration and the
state would soon go ahead and decide as to when it could
start implementing this. The state can go ahead with the
proposal from the coming year itself and inform
fourth-year students that their final-year marks will be
considered for admission to PG courses. Third-year
students can be informed that aggregate marks of their
third and fourth years will be considered when it’s time
for them to join the PG course and so on.
Tags: Medicine, Entrance Exam, PG
Medical, MBBS, Maharashtra

UP needs 2,813 docs, 766
(19/2/09) Tribune
In spite of shortage of doctors and
other medical infrastructure, there has been an
unprecedented surge in the number of institutional
deliveries in the state. The institutional deliveries in
the state had gone up from 1.25 lakhs to 10 lakhs per
This is a significant indicator as the
state tops the list of maternal deaths in the country.
517 maternal deaths are recorded per one lakh live
births in the state. Delivery through untrained persons
is one of the main reasons behind the deaths.
Going by the national health standards,
the state needs 2,813 doctors and 766 pharmacists.
The state government has already
requisitioned the state service commission, the minister
Compulsory rural postings for fresh
medical graduates whose education was being subsidised
by the government should be introduced.
Earlier in the state fresh medical
interns were recruited on an ad hoc basis and
regularised as and when permanent vacancies arose. The
state government should make medical students sign a
bond for compulsory rural posting at the time of
There should be a provision to provide
adequate residential, security and other infrastructure
support in remote areas so that medical staff could stay
there and not clamour for urban postings or opt for
private practice.
Repeated GOs have been issued to
Commissioners and District Magistrates to ensure the
presence of doctors in the community health centres (CHCs)
and primary health centres (PHCs).
In this concern, 38 doctors have got
adverse entries in their service records, 12 have been
transferred, five dismissed and 31 have been left after
being warned. However, he made it clear that the
government was not considering making private practice
by government doctors a punishable offense.
Tags: Medicine, Doctors, Pharmacists,
Institutional Deliveries, Job Trends
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Board exams: CBSE opens helpline
for disabled kids
(9/2/09) Tribune
In an attempt to cater to the needs of
disabled children, the Central Board of Secondary
Education (CBSE), for the first time, has designated
educators to answer to the queries of disabled students
taking Class 10 and Class 12 exams. With the board exams
beginning from March 2, examination stress is already
building up among students.
Four special educators— three from
Mumbai and one from Delhi— will help students and
parents overcome anxiety and stress during the board
exams. The special educators are available online as
well as on telephone from centres located in Mumbai and
Delhi from February 1 to April 2.
However, educators feel that maximum
queries would start coming about 15 days before the
exams. The basic idea is to make the child feel
confident of taking the exams despite their disability.
Educators try to ease the extra pressure on them by
making them feel comfortable about the exams and then
counselling them on their specific requirements.
Children with special needs require patient handling and
often a good amount of attention and this is precisely
what we try to give them.
Special educators are extremely
attentive and polite while dealing with disabled
children. They also try to talk to the parents and
inform them about the facilities provided by the CBSE to
such children.
The CBSE offers certain concessions to
physically challenged, spastic and dyslexic candidates
taking the month-long board exams. These concessions
include extra time (60 minutes extra to write the exam),
a writer and flexibility in selecting subjects at the
secondary level.
The CBSE has also given special
training to teachers on the marking criteria for such
Another counsellor added that disabled
kids tend to be very vocal and there is a need to
understand their gifted abilities. Sometimes it can be
difficult to completely understand the child on
The helplines for the disabled kids
are: Abha Sharma, Mumbai, 9967800337; M.R Shipley,
Mumbai, 9833950896; Hetal Sayla, Mumbai, 9819209623 and
Shweta Khanna, Delhi, 9717882074. For online counselling,
kids or parents can visit CBSE’s website
Tags: Physically
Challenged, Board Exams, CBSE, Counsellor
1081 posts to cater to NSG
(19/2/09) ToI
With the Centre taking a number of
steps to strengthen National Security Guard (NSG)
post 26/11, the home ministry has sanctioned 1,081
additional posts of different rank “ to meet
immediate operational requirements” of elite
anti-terror commando force.
These posts-meant for the Special
Action Group of NSG- will be filled up by taking
Army Personnel on deputation. All these personnel
will be posted at the four new NSG hubs which are to
be set up at Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai.
More post will be sanctioned once
the new hubs became operational. The existing plan
was to add nearly 2,000 more personnel for these
hubs in a phased manner by increasing the strength
of NSG from over 7,500 to nearly 10,000 by the end
of this year. New additions will be meant for the
SAG which is the main unit of NSG. Meanwhile, the
Home Ministry has asked defence ministry to spare
1,081 Army Personnel for NSG.
Tags: Protective Forces, NSG, Job
Trends, Special Action Group,
Quota to apply to all posts
in top institutes
(20/2/09) ToI
There will be no exemptions from
the quota regime, with the Centre buckling under
protests from Dalit groups and dropping contentious
provisions from a proposed law which sought to
restrict job reservations only to entry-level posts
in IIMs, IITs and scientific organisations.
The law, giving statutory form to
executive orders on quotas, was slammed by Dalit
groups for “surreptitiously” shrinking the quota
ambit. Parliamentary affairs minister Vayalar Ravi
assured the House that the SC/ST reservation bill of
2008 would be amended as UPA insiders felt the
controversy could be politically damaging ahead of
Now, clause 4 of the SC/ST
(Reservation in Posts and Services) Bill, 2008,
dealing with “no quota posts” will be dropped while
the term “desireable” from clause 9(1) will also be
deleted. This will mean that standards for entry to
various levels would not be open to discretion of
authorities. Also, the quantum of reservation will
be specified — 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs.
The implications are significant as
the viewpoints of interest groups have been catered
to. An amended bill will now apply quota to all
positions in elite educational institutions and even
science hubs. A schedule in the bill, now to be
dropped, had exempted 47 institutions including IITs,
Clause 4 of the bill sought to
restrict job quota to ‘‘lowest grade of Group A
post” — Assistant Professor level. It meant that
vacancies for higher posts, unlike the current
practice, would not have quota for SCs and STs. The
restriction was also applicable to “scientific or
technical” posts. An amended bill is seen by dalit
groups as a major gain from the current reservation
policy. They claim that central governments are
generally reluctant to give reservation in
“scientific” posts till now, but absence of a
specific bar on these posts in a law would open it
to legal challenge. It is thus seen as an extension
of the quota frontier in a way.
Further, the proposed law would
open quota in short-term appointments as also in
emergency relief work. With the dropping of the
clause to the contrary, these jobs would be open for
reservation, or at least seen to be so.
Tags: Reserved Category, IITs,

There is no news
update in this category.

Soon, ‘private’ schools by Govt
Tags: School, Govt
Aided Private Schools, Primary, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,
Laxmi Bai Nagar
(19/2/09) HT
Tired of running around private schools
to get your child admitted?
Soon, you would be able to send them to
a school with comparable facilities and education and at
a lower fee. The city government is all set to open its
own unaided schools.
The Govt is starting these schools
since there is a constant complaint from middle-class
and upper middle-class parents about the paucity of good
public schools. They have identified two locations in
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg and Laxmi Bai Nagar. They plan
to set up eight-nine such schools.
The board for these schools would
comprise eminent educationists. A society headed by the
chief minister would run these schools assisted by the
education minister.
The education department is looking at
setting up the pilot school at Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg.
They have some land available near ITO. The school will
come up with all the wherewithal of a top private
school. Apart from giving parents a quality option, this
will also help the department figure out really how much
money one needs for running such an institution.
While Delhi
government school students have done well in board exams
and overall the results steadily climbing, officials
felt there was still some resistance to sending ones
children to a government school since they did not sound
or look as posh.

No change in CBSE pattern
(21/2/09) Hindu
There will be no change in the question
pattern this year for the Class XII and X examinations
being conducted by the Central Board of Secondary
Education beginning March 2.
The CBSE had revised the design of
question papers in all the major subjects of Class XII
and X in 2008 to assess the Higher Order Thinking Skills
(HOTS) in children.
Over 14.60 lakh candidates have
registered themselves for the senior school certificate
examination (Class XII) as well as secondary school
examination (Class X) this year, up from 13.13 lakh in
2008. The number of students appearing for Class XII is
636,322, and for Class X 823,887.
As many as 181,349 and 231,464 children
from Delhi are scheduled to appear in the Class XII and
X examinations.
The number of candidates has shot up
from nearly 13 lakh last year to over 14.60 lakh this
year for both the classes. They include 20,329 students
studying in CBSE-affiliated schools in foreign
countries. There will be 2,509 examination centres for
Class XII and 2,713 for Class X across the country. In
Delhi alone, 555 centres will be for Class XII students,
while 568 have been designated for those studying in
Class X.
There has been no change in the
question pattern from last year. Only the number of
pages in the answer scripts will be reduced. In the past
few years we had been increasing the number of pages.
But in our survey we found out that the numbers of pages
were being left unused by the students.
The number of pages for the Class XII
answer script has been reduced to 40 from 48. Similarly
the answer script for Class X students now comprises 32
pages as against 40 earlier
Tags: School, CBSE, Higher Order
Thinking Skills, Board Exams

14.5L students to take Board
(21/2/09) ToI
Here is a breather for 14.5 lakh
students appearing for the Board exams beginning from
March 2. According to sources, CBSE has decided to stick
to the same question pattern for class X and XII exams
as in 2008, where the focus was on understanding and
analysis rather than on memorising ability of students.
The Board had introduced 20% questions
on ‘high-order thinking skills’. CBSE has already placed
the sample papers on its website. The 15-minute time for
students to go through questions which was introduced
last year will continue. Meanwhile, the numbers of
students appearing for the Boards have also increased by
over 1.5 lakh this year.
The number of candidates has increased
from nearly 13 lakh last year to over 14.5 lakh this
year for both the classes. This includes the 20,329
students studying in CBSE-affiliated schools in foreign
countries. The break up is 6,32,322 students for class
XII and 8,23,887 for class X. The Board has also decided
to check wastage of papers by reducing the number of
pages of the answersheets. There will be 2,509
examination centres for class XII, of which 555 are in
Delhi and 2,713 centres for class X, of which 568 are in
the city.
Tags: School, CBSE Board Exam, Class
10, Class 12
There is no news update in this category.

There is no news update in this category.

There is no news update in this category.

There is no news update in this category.

There is no news update in this category.
There is no news
update in this category.

Bihar dental college to pay for
ruinous ad
(20/2/09) Hindu
Students aggrieved at misleading
advertisements, given by unrecognised educational
institutions that their courses are recognised, are
entitled to refund of fees and compensation.
Such misrepresentation resulting in
ruining the career of students and loss of academic
years will come within the ambit of unfair trade
practice under the Consumer Protection Act.
The Bench upheld the order passed by
the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
directing an unrecognised dental college and hospital in
Bihar to refund the fees paid by 11 students who joined
the institution believing that it was a recognised
college and lost two academic years. The court directed
the college to pay a total compensation of Rs. 22 lakh,
in addition to refund of fees and a Rs. 30,000-penalty
imposed by the Commission.
Bhupesh Khurana and 10 others joined
the college during 1992-93 paying a huge capitation fee.
Later they came to know that the
college was not affiliated and their course was not
recognised, and so they could not sit for the
examination. On their complaint, the Commission directed
refund of fees and payment of compensation.
Appeal dismissed
Dismissing with costs the appeal filed
by the college against this order, the Bench pointed out
that its wrong claim that it was affiliated to Magadh
University and its BDS course was recognised by the
Dental Council of India amounted to deficiency in
service under the CP Act.
The appellant-institute, by giving
totally a misleading and false advertisement, clearly
misled the respondents. The appellant institute has
played with the career of the students and virtually
ruined their career and the respondents have lost two
valuable academic years. The Commission rightly
concluded that this was a case of total
misrepresentation on the part of the institute which was
tantamount to an unfair trade practice.
Tags: Shame, BDS, National Consumer
Disputes Redressal Commission, Dental Council of India
There is no news update in this category.
There is no news update in this category.
Dump expat pilots by 2010:
Govt to airlines
(18/2/09) ToI
There’s some hope for scores of
young Indian students who have spent lakhs on
becoming a commercial pilot but are jobless. The
government has set a deadline of July 31, 2010, for
Indian carriers to replace their foreign pilots with
Indian ones. The 1,000-odd foreign pilots working
here have become a serious bone of contention with
both their Indian counterparts over issue of pay
parity and also with growing number of unemployed
Indian pilots.
There is a shortage of type rated
pilots which is being met by expatriate pilots.
Airlines have been advised to adopt training
programmes for Indian pilots who shall replace
foreign pilots. Foreign pilots have been permitted
to operate upto July 31, 2010.
The issue has assumed serious
proportions as the falling passenger loads has led
to all airlines reducing flights. This has affected
the earlier projected boom demand for pilots that
had led to middle class families taking loans for up
to Rs 30 lakh to send their children abroad for
pilot training. Many families are now finding it
difficult to repay loans with their children
Tags: Travel & Transport,
Aviation, Expat Pilots, Indian Pilots

Appraisals for University teachers?
(18/2/09) ToI
Performance appraisal of professors and
college principals? If the University Grants Commission
(UGC) has its way, for the first time, lakhs of
professors and principals in the 400-odd universities
across the country will face evaluation. The UGC
proposal includes compulsory stay on campus for five
hours every day, 30 weeks of actual teaching (six
working days), minimum six hours research per week and
performance assessment. The vacation period too has been
cut from 10 weeks a year to eight weeks.
The UGC’s draft notification on
‘revision of pay scales, minimum qualifications for
appointment of teachers in universities/colleges and
other measures for maintenance of standards 2009’
stipulates that everyone — from associate professors to
principals — in all colleges/universities will come
under the newly-introduced Performance Appraisal Scoring
System (PASS) and Academic Performance Indicator (API).
UGC sources said the regulation would be finalised in
March after receiving feedback from universities and
teacher associations.
Simply put, they will be evaluated on
various criteria. For instance, a professor who excels
in developing new technologies for teaching and
satisfies the required number of hours for teaching will
get 150 points. While 200 points has been earmarked for
student mentoring, professional activities (being a
member of board or committee) will earn him/her 50
points. And then there are points for familiarity with
up-to-date teaching material too.
To ensure that the best get into
teaching, direct recruitment will be only through merit
and selection committees will be headed by the
vice-chancellors themselves. On its part, the UGC will
draw up a national subject expert bank and
colleges/universities must include the expert while
appointing a professor.
The idea is not aimed at policing the
education system but to bring in quality in our higher
education system. Universities can develop a weightage
formula. But UGC will seek a compliance report every
year from the universities on the performance. UGC have
sought feedback from the stakeholders
Predictably, university teachers are
not happy with UGC’s diktat. There are too many
conditions, especially for recruitments at the college
level. They are not practical. Some measures like
performance indicators are needed but why is the
teaching community targeted? Didn’t state and central
government employees too benefit from the 6th Central
Pay Commission?
Tags: University, Teachers,
Performance Appraisal Scoring System, PASS, Academic
Performance Indicator, API, 6th Central Pay Commission

Bill for setting up 12 Central
varsities introduced
(18/2/09) Tribune
The government introduced two bills
concerning education in the Lok Sabha - one to grant
statutory powers to the National Commission for Minority
Educational Institutions and the other to set up 12
central universities in states having none to improve
the low gross enrollment ratio of 11 per cent in higher
The National Commission for Minority
Educational Institutions (Amendment) Bill, 2009 seeks to
amend the 2004 Act, which requires the commission to
consult state governments when according minority status
to any educational institution. The amended bill deletes
this provision, saying in certain cases the state
government or its agency may be a party before the
If passed, this bill will grant
overarching powers to the commission, which hears
complaints of deprivation of rights of minorities to
establish and administer educational institutions of
their choice.
The Central Universities Bill 2009
proposes to establish central varsities in Bihar,
Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir,
Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan
and Tamil Nadu and replaces the January 15 ordinance in
this matter.
Minister of state for higher education
D Purandeshwari introduced the bill amidst severe
criticism by the Left which questioned the government’s
urgency of promulgating an ordinance when the House was
seized of the matter.
The CU Bill 2008 was introduced in
Rajya Sabha on October 23 last and referred to the
department related parliamentary committee, which
submitted its report on December 17.
The government blamed the haste on
states, saying since the proposal had been pending for
long and led to heightened expectations among the
concerned states for action on the part of the
government. The government felt a number of preparatory
steps were required for operationalising central
varsities in time for the next academic session and
incorporate amendments proposed by the parliamentary
committee on HRD. The 2009 Bill also proposes to convert
three state universities in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh
and Uttarakhand each into CUs.
The bill incorporates seven of the 15
amendments proposed by the parliamentary committee.
These include deletion of the clause vesting in the
central government the power to give directions to the
university, appointment of the first chancellor,
vice-chancellor, registrar and finance officer by the
visitor instead of the central government, provision for
elected student representatives in the students' council
and provision for at least two meetings of the students'
council every academic year instead of one proposed in
the bill.
Tags: University, Bill, National
Commission for Minority Educational Institutions,
Central Universities Bill 2009

886 new Engg colleges, 1,084
B-schools on cards
(19/2/09) ToI
A common wisecrack among engineering
aspirants in Andhra Pradesh has it that every second
building in the state is an engineering college.
That may cease to be a joke when
institutes dishing out management and engineering
degrees start mushrooming all over the country.
Global depression may have taken the
wind out of campus placements, but the rush for starting
professional institutions is at an all-time high. Data
from the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),
the regulatory body for professional technical
education, shows that the dash to start professional
colleges is more pronounced when it comes to engineering
and management as compared to other streams like
pharmacy, hotel management and catering technology or
The All-India Council for Technical
Education (AICTE) has received a total of 886
applications for starting engineering colleges and 1,084
applications for new management institutes. Five Indian
states-Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Karnataka and Kerala-account for almost 69% of the
country's engineering graduates, indicating that these
states also have most of India's engineering colleges.
Regional Imbalances
This year too most applications for
starting new institutes have come from these states,
causing worry among educationists about a regional
imbalance creeping in. States like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Gujarat, Rajasthan and Orissa together account for a
measly 14% of India's technological colleges.
Colleges that get the nod by June 30
will be allowed to start classes in this academic year,
so officials expect even more applications to pour in.
Several academicians feel quality is losing out in the
race to expand seats. The Principal of Pune Engineering
College asked “Can the country boast of even 100
engineering colleges that impart cutting-edge
education?” “Then what is the point in a thousand new
colleges every year?”
He also said that part of the problem
lies in the fact that most trusts running professional
colleges are backed by politicians who pay little
attention to quality. But the AICTE feels that meeting
the massive demand for professional education is
imperative. Twenty years ago, merely 1% of aspiring
engineers got a seat. Now nearly 70% manage to find a
AICTE chairman R A Yadav said that it
may come as a surprise, but very few engineering seats
were left vacant last year. There's also a yawning gap
between management aspirants and the number of seats in
Indian B-schools.
But how many management schools boast
of full campus placement? And are even 30% of MBA
institutes accredited by the NBA (National Board of
There were 2,297 engineering colleges
with a total student intake capacity of 8.19 lakh
students and close to 1,500 management institutes with
an annual intake of 1.5 lakh students (2008-'09).
Tags: University, IIT, Engineering
Colleges, IIMs, B-Schools, Regional Imbalances

IGNOU starts e-programme in Agri
(18/2/09) HT Horizon
Indira Gandhi National Open
University's (IGNOU) School of Agriculture has started a
six month certificate programme in agriculture policy
The online programme covers various aspects essential
for policy formulation to achieve overall economic
development of the country. The curriculum is designed
to address factors in agricultural development process
in India, farmers' plight, their intellectual property
rights issues in cases of plant-breeding and others, and
research opportunities.
Professor B S Hansra, Director, SOA,
said that In India, agriculture is rain-fed. Over 60 per
cent of cultivation is dependent on rain. This and a
bundle of other problems have made Indian agriculture a
regular challenge. To address these, the programme on
agriculture policy has been developed with four units
and made available to all, particularly targeting
researchers and extension workers.” If implemented in a
proper perspective, the programme is likely to empower
students with preliminary knowledge for gainful
practices in agricultural extension work and policy
Tags: University, IGNOU, Course,
Agriculture Certificate Course, Six Months

IGNOU plans new courses
(18/2/09) HT Horizon
The university plans to launch courses
in design education.
Here’s the latest from Indira Gandhi
National Open University.
Modular courses in design IGNOU has
teamed up with IILM Institute of Higher Education (IILM)
to jointly develop innovative and cost effective
undergraduate and post-graduate design education
Besides promoting the design programmes
under a suitable fee-structure, two institutes plan to
contribute to groom technical professionals of designs
in product, communication, animation, retail, textile
and apparel sectors. They have signed a memorandum of
understanding (MoU) for a four-year in-built modular
degree programme in design education. The MoU will be in
force for four years. Thereafter, it will be evaluated
for future development. The unique points in the inbuilt
modularity are: A student gets a certificate after
successful completion of the first year, a diploma after
the second year, an advanced diploma after the third and
the degree after the fourth year. There are feelers that
a slew of design education programmes will take off from
this modular structure.
According to the MoU, IGNOU and IILM
will jointly develop the content and courseware.
Vice Chancellor Prof. V N Rajasekharan
Pillai said, “Design is an important area of creativity
and development. There is a felt-need for developing
such a programme.” Now see your answer scripts. From the
2008 December examination onwards, candidates appearing
for various examinations in Indira Gandhi National Open
University (IGNOU) can get a photocopy of their answer
book, within 45 days of the declaration of results.
Appropriate stationery charge of Rs 100 per paper may be
levied from the candidate for this purpose. The
procedure is for ensuring greater transparency and
accountability in the evaluation of answer scripts.
Return of the answer scripts will also give the learners
an occasion to understand their mistakes and correct
them through further study. The idea behind the practice
is to start the question of transparency and
Tags: University, IGNOU, Courses,
Design Education Programmes, IILM

UGC recognition for varsity
(15/2/09) Tribune
The long wait of
teachers of Chaudhary Devi Lal Univeristy for its
recognition by the University Grants Commission under
section 12-B of the UGC Act seems to be finally over.
The UGC took a decision to grant recognition to the
local university at its meeting held recently. A formal
letter of recognition would be sent to the university
A seven-member team of
the UGC had visited the university campus and inspected
the facilities there on January 19 and 20 and submitted
its report to the commission.
The recognition is
crucial for the university, which will soon have to
implement new pay scales for its teachers as per the
recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission. If the
recognition is not given in time, it will have to depend
on its own resources for bearing the extra burden.
The University has an
establishment expenditure of about Rs 6 crore per annum
on the salaries of its teachers and other staff members.
These expenses will almost double once the new pay
scales are implemented.
The UGC paid for a
period of five years for the increased salaries of the
teachers of universities which were recognised by it
under section 12-B of the UGC Act.
A senior teacher of the
university said that they cannot apply for any project
of the UGC, grants, chance of post-doctoral research
overseas and grants for career advancement till the
university gets recognised by the UGC.
Tags: University, Chaudhary Devi Lal
University, UGC

UGC lists fake varsities
(20/2/09) ToI
The UGC came up with a state-wise list
on fake universities. The alert on this has been made
available on the UGC’s website. As per the list, Delhi
has six fake universities. They are Varanaseya Sanskrit
Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi (UP) Jagatpuri, Delhi,
Commercial University Ltd, Daryaganj, United Nations
University, Vocational University, ADR-Centric Juridical
University, ADR House, 8J, Gopala Tower, 25 Rajendra
Place, and Indian Institute of Science and Engineering.
State-wise List of fake Universities as
on 18thJanuary, 2009
1) Maithili University/Vishwavidyalaya, Darbhanga,
2) Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi (UP)
Jagatpuri, Delhi.
3) Commercial University Ltd., Daryaganj, Delhi.
4) United Nations University, Delhi.
5) Vocational University, Delhi.
6) ADR-Centric Juridical University, ADR House, 8J,
Gopala Tower, 25 Rajendra Place, New Delhi - 110 008.
7) Indian Institute of Science and Engineering, New
8) Badaganvi Sarkar World Open University Education
Society, Gokak, Belgaum, Karnataka.
9) St. John?s University, Kishanattam, Kerala.
Madhya Pradesh
10) Kesarwani Vidyapith, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.
11) Raja Arabic University, Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Tamil Nadu
12) D.D.B. Sanskrit University, Putur, Trichi, Tamil
West Bengal
13) Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine, Kolkatta.
Uttar Pradesh
14) Mahila Gram Vidyapith/Vishwavidyalaya, (Women?s
University) Prayag, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.
15) Indian Education Council of U.P., Lucknow, Uttar
16) Gandhi Hindi Vidyapith, Prayag, Allahabad, Uttar
17) National University of Electro Complex Homeopathy,
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
18) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose University (Open
University), Achaltal, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
19) Uttar Pradesh Vishwavidyalaya, Kosi Kalan, Mathura,
Uttar Pradesh.
20) Maharana Pratap Shiksha Niketan Vishwavidyalaya,
Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh.
21) Indraprastha Shiksha Parishad, Institutional Area,
Khoda, Makanpur, Noida Phase-II, Uttar Pradesh.
22) Gurukul
Vishwavidyala, Vridanvan, Uttar Pradesh.
The matter of
recognition of degrees like B.Ed/M.Ed.etc. awarded by
the Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad, Lucknow and also its
recognition is still subjudice.
Tags: University, UGC, Fake

Defence varsity for Haryana
(20/2/09) Tribune
The Indian National Defence University
(INDU) has finally come to Haryana with Binola in
Gurgaon getting the nod of the Prime Minister’s Office.
With Binola getting the approval of the
PMO, the state government would acquire the land for the
university under an emergency clause which could take
anywhere between one to six months.
Though Delhi was the first choice, it
was rejected on account of space constraint. The
ministry then turned its eyes to Punjab for setting up
this university, which would run courses for the armed
forces, the civil services and the paramilitary forces.
This makes India the third country in
the world to set up National Defence University, the
other two countries having been China and the USA. The
university will be a multi-disciplinary centre of
excellence in the country in education and research on
national security issues. The president of the NDU will
be a serving three-star general of the armed services.
On the recommendations of the Group of
Ministers (GoM) Report on “Reforming the National
Security System”, the government in 2001 set up a
committee to examine the establishment of a National
Defence University in India.
After interactions with the government
and armed services officials, in-depth studies of the
National Defence Universities in the US and China and
visits to armed forces institutions in India, the
committee has recommended the establishment of an Indian
National Defence University (INDU).
Tags: University, Indian National
Defence University, INDU, Binola

Railway stations to double up as
virtual colleges
(20/2/09) HT
The next time you see people rushing
towards a railway station, many of them may not be
catching a train. They could be distance-learning
students unwilling to bunk classes.
In association with the
government-owned Railtel Corporation of India Ltd, the
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has
decided to set up study centres at 3,000 railway
IGNOU will utilise Railtel’s high-speed
optical fibre cable (OFC) network to provide educational
content. At these virtual colleges, students will
interact with teachers through the university’s distance
learning modules and online tests.
Professor V N Rajasekharan Pillai had a
meeting with Railtel where both IGNOU and Railtel
decided to go ahead with the project. Hopefully by June
2009, IGNOU’s study centres will be ready at many
railway stations.
The idea is to take IGNOU to the
interiors of the country. They are looking at setting up
study centres at railway stations in rural areas, apart
from tier II and tier III cities.
Railtel, which has laid about 30,000 km
of OFC network, is equally enthusiastic. Railtel has
offered land, bandwidth and data centres to IGNOU.
According to Railtel general manager
(marketing) Anshul Gupta, the company wants to set up
study centres at 3,000 railway stations where they have
Tags: University, IGNOU, Virtual
Colleges, Railtel Corporation of India Ltd, Study
Centres, Rural Areas

Free JNU prospectus for students
from BPL families
(21/2/09) Hindu
Jawaharlal Nehru University here has
decided to provide its admission prospectus free of cost
to students belonging to economically weaker sections of
The decision was taken after the JNU
Students’ Union led a campaign against the hike in the
price of the prospectus from Rs.120 to Rs.200 this year.
As a rollback was perceived untenable
considering over 45,000 forms have already been sold,
the authorities decided to introduce this new clause.
The committee has decided to arrange
for 100 per cent refund of the prospectus fee to
applicants belonging to BPL who have already bought the
forms this year. They just need to show the BPL card and
they will be returned the entire amount.
Meanwhile, Vice-Chancellor B.B.
Bhattacharya will appoint a new committee for a
comprehensive review of the entire matter pertaining to
the pricing of prospectus, examination fees and
expenditure on conduct of the JNU entrance examinations.
Tags: University, JNU, Free
Prospectus, BPL

New research initiatives at DU
(9/2/09) Edu Times
Delhi University (DU) has come up with
a range of schemes to boost its research activities.
Though funding for research in Indian universities has
improved considerably in the last decade or so, there is
a dearth of research motivation. This can be attributed
to the fact that policies and guidelines for research
have not been in tune with the times. Hence DU, as one
of the leading universities, is taking initiatives to
attract and sustain the best talent in research.
To encourage research in the domain of
biotechnology, medicine and law, DU has introduced a
scheme where students with a BTech, LLB or MBBS can
directly pursue a PhD. One does not necessarily have to
pursue a Master’s to register for a PhD. However, to
avail of this scheme, a BTech student should have 70 per
cent in the final aggregate, coupled with a good
Graduate Aptitude Test (GATE) percentile score. For LLB
students, the qualifying requisite is 60 per cent in the
final aggregate.
Students who meet this criterion will
further be interviewed by the university’s Department
Research Committee (DRC). Based on its decision,
selected candidates can join the PhD programme. This
scheme, novel to DU, is applicable to students from
across universities in India.
According to Mohan, potential research
students of law, medicine and BTech lose their
inclination to pursue research because unlike other
disciplines (five years) they have to spend seven years
of university education after completing high school. It
is observed that a student who can secure 60 per cent in
law is usually on a par with a student who has pursued
Master’s from any other discipline. BTech students on
the other hand are strong in mathematics, which is the
bedrock of research in all spheres. They want to attract
talent from these high potential domains.
Some of the other initiatives include
extending university teaching assistanceships to
deserving research candidates, introduction of the
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) cell and patent fund
to help researchers cope with publication charges of
their papers or to patent their work.
Tags: University,
DU, Research, Biotechnology, Law, Eligibility,
Department Research Committee, DRC

There is no news
update in this category.

Few women on India Inc’s
(20/2/09) HT
Women find a scarce representation
in the board of Indian companies. In the list of the
BSE 100 companies women occupy barely 5 per cent of
the total number of directors on the company’s
A report prepared by the Virtcom
Consulting for California Public Employees’
Retirement System’s (CalPERS) figures out that women
hold only 17 per cent of corporate board seats at
Fortune 100 companies even though they form over 50
per cent of the population.
The report states that companies
having more gender diversified boards have higher
performance and key financial metrics such as return
on equity, return on sales, and return on invested
According to the report, Norway has
the highest 44.1 per cent, women members on company
boards. Next comes Sweden with 26.9 per cent and
Finland with 25.7 per cent.
However, in India, as per the March
2008 data, 56 companies from within the list of BSE
100 companies do not have a female member on its
ICICI Bank, JSW Steel and NMDC
emerge as the most liberal gender diversified
companies with each having three female board
Tags: Woman, California Public
Employees’ Retirement System, CalPERS, Virtcom
Consulting, Sex Ratio, India Inc
